As learned from his COVID 19 Journey.
"Each one of us is in "Our own Race at Our Own Pace".
"Together we are stronger. United in a common cause we all rise to meet our next best selves".
"The human spirit and will is weak until we invite God's Tender Mercies in our lives, and that is when they become miraculous"!
"It's ok to be vulnerable to the fragilities of life, it is what gives us the human will to rise above them".
"Judge only yourself and your potential in your life's journey. Be a master at showing compassion to yourself and others who travel with you".
"Be willing to make the next right choice in order to meet your best and highest self".
"Understand no matter how great the physical and emotional pain, there is one greater who has also experienced it... giving us grace".
"Self-care is a gift to ourselves, Lessons learned is our gift to others, and doing the best we can is our gift to God".
"When you think that you are 100% in control, you lose it".
"When a person declares a goal, God in partnership, gives that person growth to raise them to the level of the goal".
"You can't help another, without helping yourself".
"As with every storm, follows a day of sunshine and beauty.... so it is with life. Tomorrow is a new day".
"Challenges, trials, and difficulties create Stepping Stones to walk through life's wonderful garden of gratitude and true happiness".
"Peace in life is the direct result of being your best self, leaving others better than you found them no matter how difficult, and realizing God's hand in your life each day".
"To live life fully is to recognize each and every emotion in your life, honor it, and let it be".
"Of myself, I am nothing... With others, I am something... With God, I am everything".