Simply the Best 'Whole House' Water Filtration System... Ask us why!
Providing clean water for you and your family!
Do you want to use your body to filter these contaminants, or do you want the Aqua Buddy Filtration System to do the heavy lifting for you?
In other words, you can either Invest in a proper Filter...or be a Filter. The choice is yours.
Acid washed GAC removes odors, chlorine, gases, heavy metals, tastes, dyes, fuels, pollutants, disinfectants, pesticides, TTHM, sodium, chloride, and volatile organic contaminants.
High quality HAC carbon educes remaining chlorine and chloramine. By removing taste and odor and giving long-lasting fresh water. This media filters a wide range of pH levels and adds a final polish to the filtered water.
All natural, environmentally friendly. Filter-Ag Plus has a large, microporous surface area that minimizes suspended contaminants and turbidity. Highly efficient filtering down to 5 microns or less.
High hardness, high density filter media, effectively filters. Thus, provides a high quality media bed for this system.
Environmentally friendly way to control scale without salt. Transforms hardness minerals into crystal particles using template assisted crystallization technology. So products are easily washed and wiped away.
Helps remove existing scale which means less effort cleaning your showers!
This leaves you with clean water for your whole house and the peace of mind knowing that you are bathing and drinking clean water.
The 1,500,000 Gallon System:
Under the Counter System: